Portfolio > Divine Life-Giving Nectar

Kara and Her Son
Kara and Her Son

"How we got here, Stars and Milk.There is a long lineage connecting all of the Cosmos to each individual star and each individual You. We have been born into Being and nourished by the milk of many a mother. Even if perhaps, it was necessary to pump milk to bottle feed or be given the milk of another, you were brought here through milky Ancestors. To ALL the glorious mamas who feed their babies, you are essential to our Life. Your giving is Miraculous. In honor of this miracle, both naturally beautiful and at times challengingly difficult, my friend India has created from her heart and soul a
truly magnificent tribute to womanhood thru her 'Breast Feeding' series. Her work in these times is Revolutionary. And what astounds me most is that each art piece she creates is entirely as unique as the woman, her baby and their breast feeding journey. Now is the time to honor and respect ALL women."

- Kara Rane